Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma
Addition of Anlotinib Hydrochloride to the Stupp Regimen Versus the Stupp Regimen Alone for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma.Take PFS as the main evaluation index, the purpose is to evaluate its effectiveness
Niraparib Combined With Radiotherapy in rGBM
Thirty patients were enrolled in this study, mainly patients with first recurrence of glioblastoma, and the requirement is that they can receive secondary radiotherapy. Regardless of whether the patient has received a second operation or the MGMT promoter is methylated, they can be included in this study. After enrollment, patients were given niraparib 300mg/day (body weight ≥77Kg and baseline platelet count ≥150,000/µL) or 200mg/day (body weight <77Kg or baseline platelet count <150,000/µL), combined with radiotherapy (total dose 55Gy), follow-up Time 1 year. Until the patient has disease progression or intolerance or voluntarily withdraw from the study.
Nk Cell Therapy for Recurrent Glioblastoma Multiform Patients
Glioblastoma multiform is one of the most invasive and deadly cancers that progresses rapidly and leads to death. Surgery with radiotherapy /chemotherapy, as a treatment approach is ineffective in some cases and is associated with relapse and death. Immunotherapy is a special strategy that used as an adjunct therapy in various cancers and among the various methods of immunotherapy; it seems that cell therapy with NK cells is of special importance. A previous study conducted at the Royan Research Institute showed that NK cell proliferation and amplification resulted in the removal of glioblastoma tumor masses in the animal model. The animals had no evidence of tumor recurrence...
NKG2D-based CAR T-cells Immunotherapy for Patient With r/r NKG2DL+ Solid Tumors
The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the safety and clinical activity of NKG2D-based CAR-T cells infusion in the treatment of relapsed/refractory NKG2DL+ solid tumors.
Noninvasively Predicting Gene Status of Glioma
Malignant gliomas are the most common and deadly primary brain tumors in adults. The clinical outcome of patients with glioblastoma depends on key molecular genetic alteration. Specifically, Isocitrate Dehydrogenase Gene Mutation, an independent favorable prognostic factor, serve as diagnostic and prognostic markers of glioma. Thus, accurate grading of a glioma is fundamental in order to determine the treatment strategy. Amide proton transfer (APT) imaging is a noninvasive molecular MRI technique based on chemical exchange saturation transfer mechanism that detects endogenous mobile proteins and peptides in biological tissues. Preliminary studies have shown that...
NovoTTF-200A Together With Radiation Therapy and Temozolomide in Patients With Newly Diagnosed GBM
Study Objectives: To compare the efficacy and safety outcome of newly diagnosed GBM patients treated with NovoTTF-200A concomitant to RT and TMZ to those treated with RT and TMZ alone Study Design: Prospective, randomized, open label, standard of care control Study Hypothesis: The hypothesis of this study is that addition of NovoTTF-200A treatment to RT and TMZ will significantly increase progression free survival of newly diagnosed GBM patients compared to patients treated with RT and TMZ alone Sample Size: 60 patients with newly diagnosed GBM Study Population: Patients with tissue based diagnosis of GBM, above 18 years of age, of both genders after surgery or biopsy amenable for...
Ovarium Cancer Detection by TEP's and ctDNA
Rationale: Cancer is primarily diagnosed by clinical presentation, imaging and pathological analysis of tissue biopsies, increasingly supported by molecular diagnostics tests. However, late diagnosis and misdiagnosis due to limitations of tissue biopsy acquisition remains a major problem. Therefore, a general blood test to pinpoint cancer early and adequately can be considered the 'Holy Grail', because diagnosis in an earlier stage significantly improves the chance of cure from cancer. Several blood-based sources are currently being evaluated as liquid biopsies, including circulating tumor (ct) DNA and circulating tumor cells, but none of these have been implemented for...
Pembrolizumab in Association With the IMA950/Poly-ICLC for Relapsing Glioblastoma
Monocentric randomized phase I/II trial, including 24 patients diagnosed with relapsing glioblastoma (GBM) irrespective of MGMT and IDH gene status. Following diagnosis of relapsing glioblastoma by either brain CT scan or MRI, patients will be randomized in 2 arms: 1. Arm 1: IMA950 mixed with Poly-ICLC administered subcutaneously 2. Arm 2: Pembrolizumab 200mg q3w IV and IMA950 mixed with Poly-ICLC administered subcutaneously The first phase of treatment will last 6 weeks, then surgery will be performed (done if clinically possible ad indicated). In case of available brain tissue, extensive analysis of the tumor immune response will be performed. Assessment of...
Pemetrexed Disodium in Treating Patients With Recurrent Malignant Gliomas, Primary CNS Lymphoma, or Brain Metastases
RATIONALE: Pemetrexed disodium may stop the growth of tumor cells by blocking some of the enzymes needed for cell growth. PURPOSE: This phase II trial is studying how well pemetrexed disodium works in treating patients with recurrent malignant gliomas, primary CNS lymphoma, or brain metastases.
Permeability Map to Distinguish Progression From Pseudoprogression in High-Grade Glioma
The aim of the present study is to assess whether a new method of quantifying therapy-associated hemodynamic alterations based on DCE MR imaging may help to distinguish pseudoprogression from true progression in patients with high grade glioma, who received CCRT.