Temozolomide Combine With Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy With Simultaneous Integrated Boost for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Brain Metastases
With the improvement of systemic therapeutic effect(especially in the population with driver gene mutation), the incidence of brain metastases had significantly increased. Conventional Whole Brain radiotherapy(WBRT) was less effective, the stereotactic radiosurgery(SRS) technique had improve the local efficacy for 1-3 lesions, but the probability of intracranial recurrence was increased, Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy With Simultaneous Integrated Boost(SIB-IMRT) is a new radiotherapy technology, Giving a standard radiation dose of whole brain ,at the same time can boost the high-risk region in target, So that it can significantly shorten the treatment time, at the same time...
Temozolomide Plus Anti-angiogenesis Drugs and Radiotherapy as a Treatment for Glioblastoma
Temozolomide (TMZ) is an oral chemotherapy drug. It is an alkylating agent used as a first-line treatment for glioblastoma. This methylation damages the DNA and triggers the death of tumor cells. According to the results of several clinical studies, TMZ synchronous plus radiotherapy and subsequent as adjuvant therapy can significantly improve the survival rate of newly diagnosed glioblastoma patients.
Temozolomide vs. Temozolomide and Thalidomide Treatment in Recurrent Glioblastoma
The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of intensive dose temozolomide treatment alone in parallel to a combination with thalidomide in patients with recurrent glioblastoma after standard therapy. In the treatment arm A of the study it will be investigated whether or not continuous dosing of temozolomide may overcome alkylator resistance in patients with glioblastoma who progress on the 5/28 day dosing regimen. For treatment arm B it is postulated that the combination of thalidomide and temozolomide is effective with respect to time to progression and progression-free survival due to the fact that temozolomide and thalidomide have different mechanisms of...
The Effect of Escitalopram on Mood, Quality of Life and Cognitive Functioning in Glioblastoma Patients
Testing the effect of providing an antidepressant and anxiety-type escitalopram for patients with glioblastoma on patient's quality of life including the effect of treatment on mood and cognition during treatment.Two subgroups will fill questionnaires : - Questionnaire mini mental state exam (mmse) which is the maximum score of 30. A score of below 24 indicates a flaw in the level of dementia - Questionnaire depression / mood PHQ9P(Pa t i e n t H e a l t h Qu e s t i o n n a i r e - 9) - The M. D. Anderson Symptom Inventory (MDASI) - Evaluation of the hospital situation awareness (clinical assessment and questionnaire) - Cognitive...
The Effect of Ketogenic Diet on Malignant Tumors- Recurrence and Progress
The aim of the study is, to study the efficacy of the ketogenic diet in delaying or preventing recurrence and tumor growth progression of patients who have been previously treated by concomitant chemoradiotherapy (6 months) for high-grade glial tumors. It will be an open-label trial of nutritional intervention for up to 1 year. An interim analysis of the data will be carried out to assess safety, compliance and efficacy of the diet. This will be reviewed by both SHS and the Clinical trial team.
The Efficacy and Safety of Brain-targeting Immune Cells (EGFRvIII-CAR T Cells) in Treating Patients With Leptomeningeal Disease From Glioblastoma. Administering Patients EGFRvIII -CAR T Cells May Help to Recognize and Destroy Brain Tumor Cells in Patients
This phase I trial investigates the efficacy and safety of brain-targeting epidermal growth factor receptor chimeric antigen receptor immune cells (EGFRvIII-CAR T cells) in treating patients with leptomeningeal disease from glioblastoma. T cells are part of the immune system and help the body fight malignant tumours. Immune cells can be genetically modified to destroy brain tumor cells in the laboratory. EGFRvIII -CAR T cells are brain tumor specific and can enter and express its genes in immune cells. Administering patients EGFRvIII -CAR T cells may help to recognize and destroy brain tumor cells in patients with leptomeningeal disease from glioblastoma.
The PIONEER Initiative: Precision Insights On N-of-1 Ex Vivo Effectiveness Research Based on Individual Tumor Ownership (Precision Oncology)
The PIONEER Initiative stands for Precision Insights On N-of-1 Ex vivo Effectiveness Research. The PIONEER Initiative is designed to provide access to functional precision medicine to any cancer patient with any tumor at any medical facility. Tumor tissue is saved at time of biopsy or surgery in multiple formats, including fresh and cryopreserved as a living biospecimen. SpeciCare assists with access to clinical records in order to provide information back to the patient and the patient's clinical care team. The biospecimen tumor tissue is stored in a bio-storage facility and can be shipped anywhere the patient and the clinical team require for further testing. Additionally,...
The Safety Study of Autologous TILs Therapy for Patients With Glioblastoma Multiforme.
The study is to evaluate the safety and efficacy of tumor infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) therapy for patients with maligant glioblastoma multiforme. Autologous TiLs should be given by intravenous infusion after 5 days of lymphodepletion treatment.
Thiotepa and Radiation Therapy in Treating Young Patients With Newly Diagnosed Malignant Brain Tumors
RATIONALE: Drugs used in chemotherapy, such as thiotepa, work in different ways to stop the growth of tumor cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping them from dividing. Radiation therapy uses high-energy x-rays to kill tumor cells. Giving chemotherapy and radiation therapy after surgery may kill any tumor cells that remain after surgery. PURPOSE: This phase II trial is studying how well thiotepa works together with radiation therapy in treating young patients with newly diagnosed malignant brain tumors.
TIGER PRO-Active - Daily Activity, Sleep and Neurocognitive Functioning Study
This non-interventional study aims to investigate change over time in cognitive function, sleep quality, and activity in daily life as important determinants of QoL in a large cohort of GBM patients in Germany treated with TTFields in routine clinical care using low-threshold, electronic PRO and modern automated tracking data analyses. The gained results will allow even better understanding of TTFields therapy in daily life of GBM patients and consequently, better informing patients about what to expect when starting this therapy, increasing therapy compliance in the long-term.