Perifosine and Torisel (Temsirolimus) for Recurrent/Progressive Malignant Gliomas
The purpose of this study is to test the effectiveness of a drug called temsirolimus in combination with a drug called perifosine in treating brain tumors that have continued to grow after previous treatment. Temsirolimus is an intravenous drug approved by the FDA for treatment of other cancers (kidney cancer, certain types of lymphoma) but not for brain tumors. Perifosine is a pill that has not been approved by the FDA which blocks a messenger that tells cancer cells to grow. Research suggests that combined treatment with both drugs is better than either alone, and that it is reasonably safe.
Personalized Cellular Vaccine for Glioblastoma (PERCELLVAC)
Dendritic cell-based cellular vaccine for tumor therapy has shown efficacy. This study is designed to perform a personalized clinical trial by first analyzing the expression of tumor associated antigens in patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma and then immunizing the patients with personalized DC-based cellular vaccine. Immune responses to tumor antigens will be monitored. Safety and efficacy will be observed in the study.
Personalized Cellular Vaccine for Recurrent Glioblastoma (PERCELLVAC2)
The treatment option for recurrent glioblastoma is limited. Immune cell based therapy for glioblastoma has shown some efficacy. This study is designed to perform a personalized clinical trial by first analyzing the expression of tumor associated antigens in patients with recurrent glioblastoma and then immunizing the patients with personalized antigen pulsed DCs. Immune responses to the immunized antigens will be monitored. Safety and efficacy will be observed in this study.
Personalized Translational Platform for Biomarker Discovery in Brain Tumors
The central hypothesis for this proposal is that multimodal (clinical, imaging, tissue) biomarkers will better predict early brain tumor response to treatments and will be more reliable prognostic markers in patients with malignant brain tumors.
Personalized Vaccine for Cancer Immunotherapy
Due to their genetic instability, breast tumors that do not express receptors for Estrogens, Progestagens or amplify the Her2 / neu oncogene [called triple-negative breast cancer (TNTC)] and other tumors such as melanoma, non-small cell lung cancer, accumulate numerous mutations that make them highly resistant to different regimens of chemo- or radiotherapy, thereby generating high morbidity and mortality. However, immunology can turn the genetic instability of tumors into the Achilles' tendon. Evidence of this has been revealed in Phase I clinical studies in patients with melanoma and lung cancer in an advanced stage of metastasis treated with Ipilimumab (anti-CTLA4) to...
PET/CT Evaluation of Primary and Metastatic Brain Tumors With a Novel Radioiodinated Phospholipid Ether Analogue I-NM404
The purpose of this study is to evaluate diagnostic imaging techniques using 124I-NM404 PET/CT in human brain tumors. This goal will be accomplished by quantifying tumor uptake and determining the optimal PET/CT protocol, comparing PET tumor uptake to MRI, and calculating tumor dosimetry. The long-term goals of this research are to improve the diagnosis and treatment of malignant brain tumors by using radioiodinated NM404
PET/CT Imaging of Malignant Brain Tumors With 124I-NM404
The purpose of this study is to evaluate diagnostic imaging techniques using 124I-NM404 PET/CT in humans with brain metastases and GBMs. This goal will be accomplished by determining the optimal PET/CT protocol and comparing PET tumor uptake to MRI and calculating tumor dosimetry. A future aim of this study will be to compare non-invasive PET/CT and MRI findings with pathological specimens, which is the gold standard but is invasive and impractical in many cases, to determine the sensitivity and specificity of both techniques for accurately detecting tumor infiltration. The data obtained from this study will be used to develop larger diagnostic and therapeutic trials in brain...
PF-00299804 in Adult Patients With Relapsed/Recurrent Glioblastoma
There are three arms to this study (A, B and C) The purpose of this research study during Arm A is to see how much of PF-00299804 gets into the brain tumor. For many brain tumors, one reason that chemotherapy drugs might not be effective is that the drug may not be able to get into the brain tumor and kill the cancer cells. We will determine how much PF-00299804 gets into the brain tumor by obtaining a sample of the tumor from the surgery that the participant already has scheduled. The purpose of this research study during Arm B and C, is to determine how well PF-00299804 works in killing cancer cells. PF-00299804 works by binding to specific proteins found on the surface of some...
Ph. 2 Sorafenib + Protracted Temozolomide in Recurrent GBM
PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES: Primary Objective To evaluate the activity of Sorafenib plus protracted, daily temozolomide in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) as measured by 6-month PFS. Secondary Objectives To evaluate the safety and toxicity of combination therapy using Sorafenib plus temozolomide; To determine the pharmacokinetics of Sorafenib when combined with temozolomide in patients on and not on concurrent EIAC medications.
Pharmacokinetics (PK) Study of AC480 for Recurrent Glioma
The primary objective is to evaluate the intratumoral and plasma pharmacokinetics of AC480 among patients who are candidates for a resection with a recurrent malignant glioma who are not on CYP-3A enzyme inducing anti-epileptic drugs (EIAEDS). Secondary objectives include the following: to evaluate the antiproliferative effect of AC480 by FDG-PET Scan; to evaluate the safety and tolerability of AC480; and, to describe 6-month progression-free survival (PFS) and radiographic response. This is a single institution, open label, pharmacokinetic study of AC480 in patients with recurrent malignant glioma. The study will enroll 5 patients who are not on enzyme inducing anti-epileptic...