Inclusion Criteria:
- - PHASE I: Patients must have histologically confirmed WHO grade II-III glioma that is
progressive or recurrent following at least one prior chemotherapy regimen plus or
minus radiation therapy regimen or (b) Grade IV disease in their recurrent resection
or biopsy specimen or (c) Grade IV glioma at initial diagnosis, with recurrent
Phase I patients may have failed an unlimited number of prior systemic
- - PHASE II: Patients must have histologically confirmed WHO grade II-IV glioma that is
progressive or recurrent following therapy:
- Arm A patients must have WHO grade II-III glioma and have failed TMZ and
another alkylator (e.g., carmustine, lomustine, procarbazine).
Patients in Arm
A may have failed an unlimited number of prior systemic regimens. Prior
radiotherapy (RT) is not required for eligibility. There is no minimum time
from the last antineoplastic treatment, except to allow for recovery: three
weeks from last dose of TMZ and six weeks from last dose of nitrosourea.
- - Arm B patients must have WHO grade II-III glioma and have experienced tumor
progression after TMZ or another alkylator (maximum one prior chemotherapy
regimen), and have gone >= 12 months since last treatment (chemotherapy or RT).
Prior radiation therapy (RT) is allowed but not mandated.
- - GBM Arm patients must have WHO grade IV glioblastoma following radiotherapy
(45-60 gray [Gy] in 1.8-2.0 Gy fractions) plus chemotherapy and may have failed
an unlimited number of prior systemic regimens.
- - Surgical portion patients must have histologically confirmed WHO grade II-IV
glioma that is progressive or recurrent following therapy and must be
undergoing repeat surgery that is clinically indicated as determined by their
care providers.
Surgical Portion patients may have had an unlimited number of
prior therapy regimens.
- - Recurrence in non-enhancing tumors will be defined as 25% or more increase in
bi-dimensional product of FLAIR signal abnormality (measurable disease) per the
low-grade glioma (LGG) RANO criteria.
Contrast-enhancing tumors with measurable
enhancing targets will be defined as recurrent based on standard RANO criteria.
- - Patients with recurrent glioma < 12 weeks after completion of radiotherapy must
have new enhancement outside of the RT field (beyond the high-dose region or
80% isodose line), or evidence of viable tumor on histopathologic sampling.
- - PHASE I AND PHASE II: Patients must have available at least 3 prior full sets of
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans (not including screening), each separated by
at least 2 months.
- - Patients must have IDH1/2-mutant glioma.
IDH1/2-mutation status can be confirmed by
immunohistochemistry (IHC) or direct deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) sequencing,
provided that it is performed in a Clinical Laboratory Improvement
Amendments/College of American Pathologists (CLIA/CAP)-certified laboratory. IDH1/2
mutations must be associated with neomorphic activity of the encoded proteins (i.e.
IDH1 R132, IDH2 R172, IDH2 R140, IDH1 R100, IDH1 G97, IDH1 Y139).
- - Patients must have archival formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens and
mutations will be verified centrally, although this will not preclude patients with
appropriate documentation of IDH1/2-mutant status from trial enrollment.
must have a tumor tissue form indicating availability of archived tissue from a
previous surgery, completed and signed by a pathologist; sites must agree to provide
this form within 14 days after treatment start.
- - Patients must have measurable (defined by at least 1 cm x 1 cm) contrast-enhancing
disease or measurable abnormal T2/FLAIR hyperintensity indicative of tumor by MRI
imaging within 21 days of starting treatment.
- - Patients must have documented molecular 1p/19q and MGMT testing.
If either of these
studies has not been performed previously, they can be done prior to enrollment.
- - Patients must be able to undergo MRI of the brain with gadolinium.
Patients must be
maintained on a stable or decreasing dose of corticosteroid regimen (no increase for
5 days) prior to this baseline MRI.
- - Patients must have recovered from severe toxicity of prior therapy.
The following
intervals from previous treatments are required to be eligible:
- - 12 weeks from the completion of radiation.
- - 6 weeks from a nitrosourea chemotherapy.
- - 3 weeks from a non-nitrosourea chemotherapy.
- - 4 weeks from any investigational (not Food and Drug Administration
[FDA]-approved) agents.
- - 2 weeks from administration of a non-cytotoxic, FDA-approved agent (e.g.,
erlotinib, hydroxychloroquine, etc.).
- - Patients must have a Karnofsky performance (KPS) status >= 60% (i.e. the patient
must be able to care for himself/herself with occasional help from others).
- - Absolute neutrophil count >= 1,500/ uL.
- - Platelets >= 100,000/ uL.
- - Total bilirubin =< institutional upper limit of normal.
- - Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) (serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
[SGOT])/alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase
[SGPT]) =< 4 × institutional upper limit of normal.
- - Creatinine =< institutional upper limit of normal OR creatinine clearance >= 60
ml/min/1.73m^2 for patients with creatinine levels above institutional normal.
- - Activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) or PTT =< 1.5 × institutional upper
limit of normal.
- - Patients must be able to provide written informed consent.
- - Women of childbearing potential must have a negative serum pregnancy test prior to
study start.
Women of childbearing potential and men must agree to use adequate
contraception (hormonal or barrier method of birth control; abstinence) prior to
study entry, for the duration of study participation, and through 4 months after the
last dose of study drug. Should a woman become pregnant or suspect she is pregnant
while she or her partner is participating in this study, she should inform her
treating physician immediately. Men treated or enrolled on this protocol must also
agree to use adequate contraception prior to the study, for the duration of study
participation, and through 4 months after completion of BGB-290 or temozolomide
- - Patients must have no concurrent malignancy except curatively treated basal or
squamous cell carcinoma of the skin or carcinoma in situ of the cervix, breast, or
Patients with prior malignancies must be disease-free for >= 5 years.
- - Patients must be able to swallow tablets and capsules.
Exclusion Criteria:
- - Patients receiving any other investigational agents are ineligible.
- - Patients previously treated with a small molecule inhibitor of mutant IDH1/2
proteins are ineligible.
- - Patients with a history of allergic reactions attributed to compounds of similar
chemical or biologic composition to BGB-290 are ineligible.
- - Patients who have received bevacizumab within the last 6 months are ineligible.
- - Patients with a known hypersensitivity to TMZ are ineligible.
- - Patients who have received a PARP inhibitor previously are excluded.
- - Patients on enzyme-inducing anti-epileptic drugs (EIAED) are not eligible for
treatment on this protocol.
Patients may be on non-enzyme inducing anti-epileptic
drugs or not be taking any anti-epileptic drugs. Patients previously treated with
EIAEDs may be enrolled if they have been off the EIAED for 10 days or more prior to
the first dose of BGB-290.
- - Patients who have not recovered to < Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events
(CTCAE) grade 2 toxicities apart from alopecia related to prior therapy are
- - Patients with uncontrolled intercurrent illness including, but not limited to,
ongoing or active infection, symptomatic congestive heart failure, clinically
significant cardiac disease, unstable angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmia, or
psychiatric illness/social situations that would limit compliance with study
requirements, are ineligible.
- - Pregnant women are excluded from this study because the effects of BGB-290 on a
fetus are unknown.
Because there is an unknown but potential risk for adverse events
in nursing infants secondary to treatment of the mother with BGB-290, breastfeeding
should be discontinued if the mother is treated with BGB-290.
- - Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive patients on combination antiretroviral
therapy are ineligible due to potential drug-drug interactions with BGB-290.