Feasibility Study of 68Ga-PSMA PET-CT and 18F-FDOPA PET-CT in Glioblastoma's Patients
This study is a non-randomized, prospective, multicentric feasibility study assessing 68Ga-PSMA PET-CT and 18F-FDOPA PET-CT to differentiate early recurrence from post-radiation modifications in patients treated with radiotherapy for glioblastoma. Patients with a MRI performed since the end of the radiotherapy until 12 months of follow up after the end of radiotherapy, will be referred for both 68Ga-PSMA and 18F-FDOPA PET-CT, whatever the conclusion of the MRI (post radiation modifications, relapse or doubtful MRI). The rationale of doing 68Ga-PSMA and 18F-FDOPA brain PET-CT in each case will be discussed in detail with the referring physician and an informed consent will be...
FET-PET and Multiparametric MRI for High-grade Glioma Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy
Glioblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor in adults. The primary treatment consists of maximal tumor removal followed by radiotherapy (RT) with concomitant and adjuvant temozolomide. Tumor recurrence after chemoradiotherapy has previously been shown to be predominantly within or at the margin of the irradiated volume, but distant failure are not rare, especially in patients with MGMT methylation.Traditionally, RT has been planned based on on planning CT with co-registered postoperative MRI, with the addition of a clinical target volume margin of 2-3 cm to account for infiltrative odema. To better characterize the disease, more specific physiological and/or...
Fluorescence, Light-microscopy, Ultrasound Integrated / Intraoperative Diagnosis to MAXimise Resection
The present study aims to evaluate and compare with the histopathological analysis the various margin-assessment systems, including ultrasound, florescence, brightfield vision, new optical filters and microscope image post-processing systems, for the treatment of High Grade Gliomas (HGGs)
Glioblastoma Evaluation for Heterogeneity In RadioseNsitivity
This is an observational study on GBM surgical samples to investigate if increasing doses of radiation therapy could improve the radiation response; and in particular the investigators will assess if there is a correlation between the number of the phosphorylated H2AX nuclear foci and the different dose level of radiation therapy.
Glioblastoma: Validation and Comparison Between Primary Tumor and Its Murine Model
Despite maximal safe surgery followed by combined chemo-radiation therapy, the outcome of patients suffering from glioblastoma (GBM) remains extremely poor with a median survival of 15 months. Hence, new avenues have to be taken to improve outcome in this devastating disease. Given their intracerebral localization and their highly invasive features, GBM pose some specific challenges for the development of adequate tumor models. Orthotopic xenograft models directly derived from the tumor of a patient might represent an attractive perspective to develop patient-specific targeted therapies. This approach remains however to be validated for GBM as it offers specific challenges,...
Grafts of GSCs Into Brain Organoids for Testing Anti-invasion Drugs
In patients operated for glioblastoma, glioma stem-like cell lines will be obtained from tumor tissue, and IPSCs from skin fibroblasts or PBMCs. Brain organoids will be generated from IPSCs and co-cultured with IPSCs to study brain invasion and ciliogenesis. 3D genome architecture of glioma stem-like cells will be investigated. Gene modulation and pharmacologic strategies to inhibit invasion and restore ciliogenesis will be explored.
Gut Microbiota and Glioblastoma Multiforme Prognosis
Glioma is the most common primary cancer of the central nervous system, and around 50% of patients present with the most aggressive form of the disease, glioblastoma. Conventional therapies, including surgery, radiotherapy, and pharmacotherapy (typically chemotherapy with temozolomide), have not resulted in major improvements in the survival outcomes with only a median survival of around 15 months.The main reason may be related to the highly immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment. In recent years, the microbiome has emerged as a key regulator of not only systemic immune regulation but brain circuitry, neuro-physiology and microglia development. We hypothesized that there is a...
HMPL-813 in Treating Patients With Glioblastoma
This is an open-label study, to evaluated epitinib, which is a selective epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor (EGFR TKI), to treat glioblastoma patients with EGFR gene amplification. As epitinib could cross blood-brain barrier (BBB), inhibition of EGFR may provide a novel mechanism in treating glioblastoma.
HSRT and IMRT Chemoradiotherapy for Newly Diagnosed GBM
This study aims to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of the combination of 30Gy/5fx HSRT and 20Gy/10fx IMRT adjuvant therapy. The total biological effective dose (BED) of the PTV is 72 Gy in a ratio of alpha/beta ratio of 3, which equals to the conventional 60Gy/30fx treatment. This study can provide evidence for future non-inferiority phase III randomized controlled trials. The abbreviated course of radiotherapy can reduce the treatment time by half, benefit patients, and utilize the health resource.
Hydroxy-urea and Temozolomide in Patients With a Recurrent Malignant Brain Tumor (Glioblastoma)
Background Currently, no standard treatment exists for patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme (rGBM) and used 2nd line treatments have low (up to max. 20%) response rates and very modest response duration (months). The median overall survival for GBM patients is 12-14 months from the time of diagnosis; therefore the development of new therapeutic options is imperative. HU has been used to treat hematological diseases and solid tumors (such as melanoma, ovarian, squamous cell carcinoma, head and neck carcinoma and brain tumors) in combination with other anti-cancer agents, but never with TMZ. If found safe, HU+TMZ, is easily translated to the clinic. Purpose: Phase I...